January homework for me

I now have three book clubs online that I am participating in, and I am looking forward to all of them. The Well Read Ladies starts next month, but I have already started the Sound Mind, Sound Mom reading selection. The first book is called Your Money or Your Life by J. Dominguez.
I am looking forward to reading the 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, hopefully the library will call on Monday or Tuesday.
Today, through my Google Reader I read a great post at Shutter Sisters. By the way, Google Reader is a great way to read blogs. I could never read as many blogs as I do without it!
Paige Balcer talks about inspiration and creative action. I could relate to her when she said "believe me, I am inspired daily by what I see on Flickr or while reading blogs. But being inspired by others is only half the battle, actively participating is the other". She suggests giving ourselves a January homework assignment. The first part is taking one photo everyday until the end of the month. The photo needs to be colourful, cozy, cheerful, or make you smile. The second part is to do something creative with your hands 5 days a week. Here she stresses that it should not involve the camera or computer.
This should really get my productivity going! I have a long list of projects, so as long as I can keep up, I might be able to cross off a few this month.
Here is my January homework so far:
  • daily photo on An ocean apart, shared with Rachel ~ I am loving this, seeing her photo everyday gives me a little window on her life, even if she is so far away.
  • daily photo (colourful, cozy, cheerful, funny)
  • weekly reading assignment for the Sound Mind, Sound Mom book club
  • weekly reading assignment for the 12 Secrets book blogging group
  • doing something creative five days a week (sewing, painting, quilting, writing, drawing...)
  • exercise daily, with a walk outside when weather allows
  • finish putting together my 999 book list, 9 books in 9 categories for 2009 (idea from here)
I remember sitting here in the fall, after my kids starting school, feeling sorry for myself and wishing that I had something to do just for me...well I think my wish has been granted!


  1. good for you alex!! i'm still working on my new years list!


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