My Most-Loved Cookbooks

{If you follow me on Instagram, I am sorry for the double posting! I wrote a quick version of this post there this morning but wanted to share more so I decided to write a full blog post too.}

My most-loved cookbooks, the ones that I use all the time, my favourites... Jessica Fisher, author of Good Cheap Eats   chose a dozen and posted a photo of her well loved and well used cookbooks on her instagram a week ago. 

It inspired me to think about my collection of cookbooks and which ones I would keep for sure if I were to purge. I don't have a big collection, I think about 20 to 25 books. Some were from Shawn's grandmother and I know I won't part with them even if I don't use them! 

I chose my top ten favourites and honestly, I would not add any other. I looked through a few times at the rest of my little collection and no other would make it to this pile. Some I will donate them since I don't really use them. 

With the convenience of the internet and Pinterest in particular, I do use the computer/iPod to look up recipes but I still use these cookbooks several times a week, if not every day. 

About these cookbooks.. with links:

* The white binder standing up against the cookbooks is filled with my notes, recipes and articles from the 30 Day Vegan Workshop.  I took this online workshop this past spring from Heather at Beauty that Moves and wrote a review

* The Visual Food Encyclopedia is a book I bought the year I got married. I use it often to find out how to use certain foods, store them, cut them, or their origins. I find it a very interesting resource book. 

* Veganomicon is a must, in my opinion, for vegans. Lots of recipes and useful tips. 

* The original Moosewood Cookbook was a great charity book sale find for me. Several vegetarian recipes that my entire family like, and many more I want to try. 

* The Family Dinner is so much more than a cookbook! It reinforced my beliefs in the ritual of the family dinner. What I had done for years with my little family was highlighted in this book with many more ideas. It's a pleasure to read and look at this book, and the recipes are really good too. 

* Weelicious Lunches is the newest book in my collection. It is in this list because it has already made a big difference in our home. Many great recipes and ideas for lunches, especially for making school lunches. Tons of great recipes and videos on her website too! 

* Jamie's Food Revolution Does Jamie Oliver even need an explanation? This cookbook, I think, is a must for any new cook. Great explanations for making food that is tasty and not boring. You can see some of the recipes from the book here.  I have had this book since 2009 and it's filled with family favourites (especially for my carnivores!). Honestly, this is the cookbook that really got me excited about cooking for my family. Before that, it was more of a chore for me. At the start of our marriage and during my teens' early years, my husband did most of the cooking. I was a late bloomer in the kitchen!

* The Juicing Bible has a lot of nice recipes for juicing but my favourite two parts of the book are the Profile section, where herbs, fruits, and vegetables are described with parts used, healing properties, availability, how to use in juicing, and folklore; and the Health Conditions section, where recommendations are made for helping heal certain health conditions. (It looks like there is a second edition available, I have the first from 2000!). 

* More-with-Less is a Mennonites cookbook that is both inspiring and helpful with many simple recipes that can save you money too. Another book that I have had since my teens were very little. 

* Oh She Glows...well if you know me personally or even online, you very likely know that I LOVE this cookbook. I have tried many of the recipes in this book and on her website, and personally have liked every one of them. My family also has liked many, not every recipes like me, but many! This is a vegan cookbook, and it is so so so good at making vegan interesting and tasty! She has tons of great recipes on her website too. I wrote several posts about this cookbook. 
